%0 Journal Article %T Reassessment of carbonate ages by dating both carbonate and organic material from an Etosha Pan (Namibia) stromatolite: Evidence of humid phases during the last 20ka %A Brook, G. A. %A Railsback, L. B. %A Marais, E. %J Quaternary International %D 2011 %V 229 %N 1 %@ 1040-6182 %F Brook_etal2011 %O exported from refbase (http://www.uhydro.de/base/show.php?record=110), last updated on Fri, 26 Jan 2024 13:19:04 +0100 %X Previous research on lacustrine stromatolites from Etosha Pan in Namibia obtained ages on carbonate close to or beyond the limits of radiocarbon dating. These ages suggested that the basin was likely not subject to extensive flooding during the last ca. 40ka. This study shows that AMS radiocarbon ages for the carbonate of a stromatolite from Poacher’s Point are 15–21ka older than ages for organic material in the stromatolite structure. Calibrated ages range from 30 to 40ka for carbonate and 3–19ka for the organic residue. The new ages, together with petrographic and isotopic data for the stromatolite, have provided important new information on past flooding of Etosha Pan including evidence of prolonged lacustrine conditions during the Holocene Climatic Optimum. %U https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040618210001989 %P 24-37