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Sahoo, S. K., Jha, V. N., Patra, A. C., Jha, S. K., & Kulkarni, M. S. (2020). Scientific background and methodology adopted on derivation of regulatory limit for uranium in drinking water – A global perspective. Environmental Advances, 2, 100020.
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Smedley, P. L., & Kinniburgh, D. G. (2023). Uranium in natural waters and the environment: Distribution, speciation and impact. Applied Geochemistry, 148, 105534.
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Shayakhmetov, N. M., Alibayeva, K. A., Kaltayev, A., & Panfilov, I. (2023). Enhancing uranium in-situ leaching efficiency through the well reverse technique: A study of the effects of reversal time on production efficiency and cost. Hydrometallurgy, 219, 106086.
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Chen, Y., Hong, Y., Huang, D., Dai, X., Zhang, M., Liu, Y., et al. (2022). Risk assessment management and emergency plan for uranium tailings pond. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, 15(3), 83–90.
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Kirchner, J. W. (2023). Mixing Models With Multiple, Overlapping, or Incomplete End-Members, Quantified Using Time Series of a Single Tracer. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(12), 2023.
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Brutsaert, W. (2017). Global land surface evaporation trend during the past half century: Corroboration by Clausius-Clapeyron scaling. Advances in Water Resources, 106, 3–5.
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Ibrahim, A. S., Zayed, I. S. A., Abdelhaleem, F. S., Afify, M. M., Ahmed, A., & Abd-Elaty, I. (2023). Identifying cost-effective locations of storage dams for rainfall harvesting and flash flood mitigation in arid and semi-arid regions. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 50, 101526.
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Kamruzzaman, M., & Chowdhury, A. (2023). Flash flooding considerations aside: Knowledge brokering by the extension and advisory services to adapt a farming system to flash flooding. Heliyon, 9(9), 19662.
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Baptista, V. S. G., Coelho, V. H. R., Bertrand, G. F., Silva, G. B. L. da, Caicedo, N. O. L., Montenegro, S. M. G. L., et al. (2023). Rooftop water harvesting for managed aquifer recharge and flood mitigation in tropical cities: Towards a strategy of co-benefit evaluations in João Pessoa, northeast Brazil. Journal of Environmental Management, 342, 118034.
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Tariq, A., Beni, L. H., Ali, S., Adnan, S., & Hatamleh, W. A. (2023). An effective geospatial-based flash flood susceptibility assessment with hydrogeomorphic responses on groundwater recharge. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 23, 100998.
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