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Kirchner, J. W. (2023). Mixing Models With Multiple, Overlapping, or Incomplete End-Members, Quantified Using Time Series of a Single Tracer. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(12), 2023.
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Stone, A. E. C., & Edmunds, W. M. (2014). Naturally-high nitrate in unsaturated zone sand dunes above the Stampriet Basin, Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments, 105, 41–51.
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Rossetto, R., Filippis, G. D., Borsi, I., Foglia, L., Cannata, M., Criollo, R., et al. (2018). Integrating free and open source tools and distributed modelling codes in GIS environment for data-based groundwater management. Environmental Modelling & Software, 107, 210–230.
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Nijsten, G. - J., Christelis, G., Villholth, K. G., Braune, E., & Gaye, C. B. (2018). Transboundary aquifers of Africa: Review of the current state of knowledge and progress towards sustainable development and management. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 20, 21–34.
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Rooyen, J. D. van, Watson, A. W., & Miller, J. A. (2022). Using tritium and radiocarbon activities to constrain regional modern and fossil groundwater mixing in Southern Africa. Journal of Hydrology, 614, 128570.
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Heaton, T. H. E., Talma, A. S., & Vogel, J. C. (1983). Origin and history of nitrate in confined groundwater in the western Kalahari. Journal of Hydrology, 62(1), 243–262.
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Gasse, F. (2000). Hydrological changes in the African tropics since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 19(1), 189–211.
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Brook, G. A., Marais, E., Srivastava, P., & Jordan, T. (2007). Timing of lake-level changes in Etosha Pan, Namibia, since the middle Holocene from OSL ages of relict shorelines in the Okondeka region. Quaternary International, 175(1), 29–40.
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Stone, A. E. C., & Thomas, D. S. G. (2013). Casting new light on late Quaternary environmental and palaeohydrological change in the Namib Desert: A review of the application of optically stimulated luminescence in the region. Journal of Arid Environments, 93, 40–58.
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Uugulu, S., & Wanke, H. (2020). Estimation of groundwater recharge in savannah aquifers along a precipitation gradient using chloride mass balance method and environmental isotopes, Namibia. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 116, 102844.
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