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Zeng, S., Shen, Y., Sun, B., Tan, K., Zhang, S., & Ye, W. (2022). Fractal kinetic characteristics of uranium leaching from low permeability uranium-bearing sandstone. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54(4), 1175–1184.
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Wang, B., Luo, Y., Liu, J. -hui, Li, X., Zheng, Z. -hong, Chen, Q. -qian, et al. (2022). Ion migration in in-situ leaching (ISL) of uranium: Field trial and reactive transport modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 615, 128634.
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Jana, A., Unni, A., Ravuru, S. S., Das, A., Das, D., Biswas, S., et al. (2022). In-situ polymerization into the basal spacing of LDH for selective and enhanced uranium adsorption: A case study with real life uranium alkaline leach liquor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 428, 131180.
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Romeo, N., Mabry, J., Hillegonds, D., Kainz, G., Jaklitsch, M., & Matsumoto, T. (2022). Developments of a field gas extraction device and krypton purification system for groundwater radio-krypton dating at the IAEA. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 189, 110450.
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Xu, W. D., Burns, M. J., Cherqui, F., Duchesne, S., Pelletier, G., & Fletcher, T. D. (2022). Real-time controlled rainwater harvesting systems can improve the performance of stormwater networks. Journal of Hydrology, 614, 128503.
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Xiao, L., Robinson, M., & O’Connor, M. (2022). Woodland’s role in natural flood management: Evidence from catchment studies in Britain and Ireland. Science of The Total Environment, 813, 151877.
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French, K. (2022). Indigenous knowledge, water management, and learning from our collective past. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 68, 101466.
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Sardo, M. S., & Jalalkamali, N. (2022). A system dynamic approach for reservoir impact assessment on groundwater aquifer considering climate change scenario. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 17, 100754.
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Sedghi, M. M., & Zhan, H. (2022). On the discharge variation of a qanat in an alluvial fan aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 610, 127922.
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Kazemi, A., Esmaeilbeigi, M., Sahebi, Z., & Ansari, A. (2022). Health risk assessment of total chromium in the qanat as historical drinking water supplying system. Science of The Total Environment, 807, 150795.
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