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Mekuria, W., & Tegegne, D. (2023). Water harvesting. In M. J. Goss, & M. Oliver (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment (Second Edition) (pp. 593–607). Oxford: Academic Press.
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Abadi, B., Sadeghfam, S., Ehsanitabar, A., & Nadiri, A. A. (2023). Investigating socio-economic and hydrological sustainability of ancient Qanat water systems in arid regions of central Iran. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 23, 100988.
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Zhang, Y., Liu, X., Yuan, S., Song, J., Chen, W., & Dias, D. (2023). A two-dimensional experimental study of active progressive failure of deeply buried Qanat tunnels in sandy ground. Soils and Foundations, 63(3), 101323.
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Weerahewa, J., Timsina, J., Wickramasinghe, C., Mimasha, S., Dayananda, D., & Puspakumara, G. (2023). Ancient irrigation systems in Asia and Africa: Typologies, degradation and ecosystem services. Agricultural Systems, 205, 103580.
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Ollivier, C. C., Carrière, S. D., Heath, T., Olioso, A., Rabefitia, Z., Rakoto, H., et al. (2023). Ensemble precipitation estimates based on an assessment of 21 gridded precipitation datasets to improve precipitation estimations across Madagascar. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 47, 101400.
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Zwartendijk, B. W., Ghimire C. P., Ravelona M., Lahitiana J., & van Meerveld H. J. (2023). Hydrometric data and stable isotope data for streamflow and rainfall in the Marolaona catchment, Madagascar, 2015-2016. NERC EDS Environmental Information Data Centre.
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Kirchner, J. W. (2023). Mixing Models With Multiple, Overlapping, or Incomplete End-Members, Quantified Using Time Series of a Single Tracer. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(12), 2023.
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Patel, D., Pamidimukkala, P., & Chakraborty, D. (2024). Groundwater quality evaluation of Narmada district, Gujarat using principal component analysis. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 24, 101050.
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Tanwer, N., Arora, V., Kant, K., Singh, B., Laura, J. S., & Khosla, B. (2024). Chapter 17 – Prevalence of Uranium in groundwater of rural and urban regions of India. In S. Madhav, A. L. Srivastav, S. C. Izah, & E. van Hullebusch (Eds.), Water Resources Management for Rural Development (pp. 213–234). Elsevier.
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Singh, A., Patel, S., Bhadani, V., Kumar, V., & Gaurav, K. (2024). AutoML-GWL: Automated machine learning model for the prediction of groundwater level. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 127, 107405.
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