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Dutova, E. M., Nikitenkov, A. N., Pokrovskiy, V. D., Banks, D., Frengstad, B. S., & Parnachev, V. P. (2017). Modelling of the dissolution and reprecipitation of uranium under oxidising conditions in the zone of shallow groundwater circulation. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 178-179, 63–76.
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Post, V. E. A., Vassolo, S. I., Tiberghien, C., Baranyikwa, D., & Miburo, D. (2017). Weathering and evaporation controls on dissolved uranium concentrations in groundwater – A case study from northern Burundi. Science of The Total Environment, 607-608, 281–293.
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Etschmann, B., Liu, W., Li, K., Dai, S., Reith, F., Falconer, D., et al. (2017). Enrichment of germanium and associated arsenic and tungsten in coal and roll-front uranium deposits. Chemical Geology, 463, 29–49.
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Bullock, L. A., & Parnell, J. (2017). Selenium and molybdenum enrichment in uranium roll-front deposits of Wyoming and Colorado, USA. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 180, 101–112.
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Brutsaert, W. (2017). Global land surface evaporation trend during the past half century: Corroboration by Clausius-Clapeyron scaling. Advances in Water Resources, 106, 3–5.
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Röttcher, K. (2018). In A. Michalke, M. Rambke, & S. Zeranski (Eds.), Risikomanagement und Nachhaltigkeit in der Wasserwirtschaft: Erfolgreiche Navigation durch die Komplexität und Dynamik des Risikos (pp. 165–174). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
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Rossetto, R., Filippis, G. D., Borsi, I., Foglia, L., Cannata, M., Criollo, R., et al. (2018). Integrating free and open source tools and distributed modelling codes in GIS environment for data-based groundwater management. Environmental Modelling & Software, 107, 210–230.
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Nijsten, G. - J., Christelis, G., Villholth, K. G., Braune, E., & Gaye, C. B. (2018). Transboundary aquifers of Africa: Review of the current state of knowledge and progress towards sustainable development and management. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 20, 21–34.
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Burchi, S. (2018). Legal frameworks for the governance of international transboundary aquifers: Pre- and post-ISARM experience. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 20, 15–20.
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Priestley, S. C., Payne, T. E., Harrison, J. J., Post, V. E. A., Shand, P., Love, A. J., et al. (2018). Use of U-isotopes in exploring groundwater flow and inter-aquifer leakage in the south-western margin of the Great Artesian Basin and Arckaringa Basin, central Australia. Applied Geochemistry, 98, 331–344.
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