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Jin, Z., & Külls, C. (2020). FDM based OA-ICOS for high accuracy 13C quantification in gaseous CO2. EES, 446(3), 032061.
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Christofi, C., Bruggeman, A., Külls, C., & Constantinou, C. (2020). Hydrochemical evolution of groundwater in gabbro of the Troodos Fractured Aquifer. A comprehensive approach. Applied Geochemistry, 114, 104524.
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Mahindawansha, A., Külls, C., Kraft, P., & Breuer, L. (2020). Investigating unproductive water losses from irrigated agricultural crops in the humid tropics through analyses of stable isotopes of water. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(7), 3627–3642.
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Tziritis, E., Aschonitis, V., Balacco, G., Daras, P., Doulgeris, C., Fidelibus, M. D., et al. (2020). MEDSAL Project-Salinization of critical groundwater reserves in coastal Mediterranean areas: Identification, risk assessment and sustainable management with the use of integrated modelling and smart ICT tools. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (2326).
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Christofi, C., Bruggeman, A., Külls, C., & Constantinou, C. (2020). Isotope hydrology and hydrogeochemical modeling of Troodos Fractured Aquifer, Cyprus: The development of hydrogeological descriptions of observed water types. Applied Geochemistry, 123, 104780.
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Uugulu, S., & Wanke, H. (2020). Estimation of groundwater recharge in savannah aquifers along a precipitation gradient using chloride mass balance method and environmental isotopes, Namibia. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 116, 102844.
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Belz, L., Schüller, I., Wehrmann, A., Köster, J., & Wilkes, H. (2020). The leaf wax biomarker record of a Namibian salt pan reveals enhanced summer rainfall during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 543, 109561.
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Ammar, F. H., Deschamps, P., Chkir, N., Zouari, K., Agoune, A., & Hamelin, B. (2020). Uranium isotopes as tracers of groundwater evolution in the Complexe Terminal aquifer of southern Tunisia. Quaternary International, 547, 33–49.
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Su, X., Liu, Z., Yao, Y., & Du, Z. (2020). Petrology, mineralogy, and ore leaching of sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in the Ordos Basin, North China. Ore Geology Reviews, 127, 103768.
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Sahoo, S. K., Jha, V. N., Patra, A. C., Jha, S. K., & Kulkarni, M. S. (2020). Scientific background and methodology adopted on derivation of regulatory limit for uranium in drinking water – A global perspective. Environmental Advances, 2, 100020.
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