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Gómez, P., Garralón, A., Buil, B., Turrero, M. J., Sánchez, L., & Cruz, B. de la. (2006). Modeling of geochemical processes related to uranium mobilization in the groundwater of a uranium mine. Science of The Total Environment, 366(1), 295–309.
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Brook, G. A., Marais, E., Srivastava, P., & Jordan, T. (2007). Timing of lake-level changes in Etosha Pan, Namibia, since the middle Holocene from OSL ages of relict shorelines in the Okondeka region. Quaternary International, 175(1), 29–40.
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Chase, B. M., & Meadows, M. E. (2007). Late Quaternary dynamics of southern Africa’s winter rainfall zone. Earth-Science Reviews, 84(3), 103–138.
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Yabusaki, S. B., Fang, Y., Long, P. E., Resch, C. T., Peacock, A. D., Komlos, J., et al. (2007). Uranium removal from groundwater via in situ biostimulation: Field-scale modeling of transport and biological processes. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 93(1), 216–235.
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YI, Z. -ji, LIAN, B., YANG, Y. -qun, & ZOU, J. -ling. (2009). Treatment of simulated wastewater from in situ leaching uranium mining by zerovalent iron and sulfate reducing bacteria. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 19, 840.
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Robati, A., & Barani, G. A. (2009). Modeling of water surface profile in subterranean channel by differential quadrature method (DQM). Applied Mathematical Modelling, 33(3), 1295–1305.
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Rajfur, M., Kłos, A., & Wacławek, M. (2010). Sorption properties of algae Spirogyra sp. and their use for determination of heavy metal ions concentrations in surface water. Bioelectrochemistry, 80(1), 81–86.
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Brook, G. A., Railsback, L. B., & Marais, E. (2011). Reassessment of carbonate ages by dating both carbonate and organic material from an Etosha Pan (Namibia) stromatolite: Evidence of humid phases during the last 20ka. Quaternary International, 229(1), 24–37.
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Klimkova, S., Cernik, M., Lacinova, L., Filip, J., Jancik, D., & Zboril, R. (2011). Zero-valent iron nanoparticles in treatment of acid mine water from in situ uranium leaching. Chemosphere, 82(8), 1178–1184.
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Hu, K., Wang, Q., Tao, G., Wang, A., & Ding, D. (2011). Experimental Study on Restoration of Polluted Groundwater from in Situ Leaching Uranium Mining with Sulfate Reducing Bacteria and ZVI-SRB. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 2, 150–155.
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